June 25, 2010

Time Keeps On Moving...

The inexorable march of the clock keeps going, and it is amazingly powerful.

I am shocked to learn that it has been more than 7 years in our house for E and me, meaning more than 7 years of BBQ season, capped with more than 3 months as a solo practitioner, and no more than 1 hour since my last discussion with a client who needed my help (I have several right now -- the end of the fiscal quarter makes me quite popular)...

I can't help but think I need to spend more time in pause. Breathing. Taking time. Being alive. Before life takes me (as it eventually takes us all).

The end of the fiscal quarter is a good time to look frenetic chasing of time in the face if you are a transactional attorney.

Because... Wow. It turns out, I need very little. So I'm not acting out of need. And yet. If I don't breathe and pay attention -- it sure feels like I need very much.


Arvay said...

Take time to stop and eat the roses, is what my housemates say!

I was just thinking about one such moment I shared with you... after passing my oral exam Tuesday afternoon, I felt like buying a cake and champagne, just like after my "half masters". Then realized that I lived too far out of town to ask people to come out on a moment's notice on a weeknight. I miss living around the corner from you. That was fun. :)

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bt said...

Ahhh... cake and champagne! We can do it over the phone! What are you doing on Wednesday?

Congrats on such a great accomplishment (and I miss living around the corner from you, too)


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