My ankle is still a little sore. But I did 4+ miles on the trails on Saturday (with a group of lovely bay area running buddies) and 6 running with the local running group on Sunday. So, I finished the week with 21.28 miles total and a feeling like I can actually start building up my mileage with a goal of doing some early 2016 racing.
Totally worth the long drive to run in this beautiful setting. |
Meeting up with the runners who did the full loop on our out and back. |
All of us. |
Other than that, not too much to report. It was a gloriously lazy easy week at home. I made a gigantic lasagna on Sunday afternoon and will likely be eating off of it for most of the week. It had been years since I'd done the multi-hour effort that is making a proper bolognese sauce from scratch and layering it with ricotta and greens and lasagna noodles and cheese. I even made a spare smaller lasagna that I gave to our across the street neighbors -- they were so happy (they have a 1 year old, they didn't have food for dinner on Sunday night, and one of the couple will be traveling this week, leaving the other as a single parent who can dine on leftovers). This week's soup option? Assuming we actually finish the lasagna, I'm going to try to experiment with a tomato lentil soup.
Any interest in the Avenue of the Giants for your next marathon? Similar setting, gorgeous, small-town atmosphere and lots of fun. :)
@Arvay -- interesting. I had been starting to think it may be time to sign up for another marathon...but, then I figured I'm out of shape enough that I really need to train for and pull off a few half-marathons before it's feasible to consider training for a marathon.
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