We aren't at full production, but we're definitely seeing ripe fruit on at least half of the varieties. Today's harvest was impressive:
It inspired me to make an all-tomato lunch. E and I each had the pleasure of tasting and comparing large slices from several beauties:
In clockwise order, that's White Oxheart, Thessoloniki, Ananas Noir, Kentucky Beefsteak, Brandywine Red Lantis, Green Zebra, and Black Krim. All delicious. E's favorite for taste was Thessoloniki, then Brandywine Red Lantis, then White Oxheart. I couldn't decide between White Oxheart, Ananas Noir, or Black Krim for overall taste, but truly, they are all excellent, it just depends on what you want (more/less acidity, more/less gel sacs, seeds, or meat, more/less sugar).
This year, Cynthia introduced me to the awesomeness that is oxheart tomatoes -- pointed on the end and shaped more like a bell pepper, often with whispy droopy foliage. Thanks to her glowing reviews, we're growing several: White Oxheart, Orange Russian 117, Sweet Horizon, and Japanese Black Trifele.
So far, White Oxheart is the only plant that has ripe fruit:
What a pleasure -- the fruit production is prolific, and they are slightly sweet with medium acid. The best part, though, is that while they are the size of a beefsteak, they have the consistency of a paste tomato (lots of meat, little seeds). In other words, we look forward to roasting these, slicing them for sandwiches (won't make the bread soggy!), and eating 'em easily with a knife and fork all summer -- if there are too many at the end, they'll make great fried green tomatoes and sauces.
How wonderful! I'm so pleased for you! All of my tomatoes are still little and green!
All I have so far are zucchinis, sunshine squash, basil, and peas.
Mmmm... Zucchinis, sunshine squash, basil & peas... that sound like a heavenly meal.
Your tomatoes will come soon, I have faith (and they have 20 hrs a day of sunlight...)
I have a peas-ful life. :)
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