May 9, 2004


I put in a long day of studying yesterday and didn't do anything physical. I won't be doing that again during finals, if I can help it. Falling asleep was a pain--my brain was exhausted but my body had no interest in calling it a day.

Today is the last day before my Crim exam. I've got big plans:

1. Internet Procrastination: blogging, news, reading blogs, mail, the usual.
2. Physical Procrastination: when I finish here, I'm going to run 6.7 miles.
3. Amazon Procrastination: when I finish finals, I get to be a human again... fiction! remember fiction?
4. Food Procrastination: I've got to eat. But what?
5. Amazon-Food Procrastination: wow, Amazon really does sell everything.
6. Calling My Mom and Neice's Mom: It's mother's day.
7. Packing for, Driving to, and Checking in to the Hotel by School for the AM exam.

I'm also going to make a half-hearted effort to study and take practice exams in between all of that stuff. I'm running on fumes mentally, so there's not much I can do about it except procrastinate and hope I recover. Thankfully, adrenaline will kick in for the actual exam, it's just today that's going to be a bit of a waste. Oh Well. At least the weather is nice.

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