May 4, 2005

66.666666666% done

It doesn't feel real.

I took my exam today, but it just felt like a normal undergrad engineering exam. There were some problems, I had an idea of how to approach most of 'em. I felt reasonably certain that I did okay but the last 10-20% is luck. No big deal, it's just another chink in the armor. This is the first time a law school final has felt like that to me. It was a pleasant change.

I think part of the calm comes from the fact that the instructors were practitioners and the exam was very practical. Real world stuff? I'm confident that I can do a decent job. Theory? Who in the world is intelligent enough to analyze things in that void? Not me. Too many variables. Too many real world situations where the theory could be blown to smithereens...

Anyways, with that anticlimactic return to my roots, I'm 2/3 done with law school. Tomorrow I'm headed back to work at summer associate gig #1 (they paid me today and said I didn't have to make up the hours -- I must say, their generosity on that issue is going a long way to compensate for the lack of a welcome I felt on the first day). I've got two interesting assignments and I can't wait to dig in.

In the oh-shit-I-get-a-real-life-cuz-its-summer category, barbeque season is quickly approaching, with the kick-off scheduled for saturday. We're playing it close with rain predicted through friday with another storm to start on Sunday. So cross your fingers for us!

And now, I'm taking my where-did-the-time-go self off to french food with E to celebrate. We'll sip wine, eat many courses, and laugh over the things that are memorable about the last two years. All in all, I'm content with how I've approached this journey and I'm excited for the last year. I just can't believe that it's already here.

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