May 3, 2016

A Tasty Mileage High Point

Under the MoPac bridge over Lady Bird Lake.
I enjoyed our week in Austin so much.  However, it was *humid* and I found it very difficult to string miles together to run without stopping to walk and recover.  Thanks to a slowing law practice, I could spend plenty of time walking and enjoying the outdoors, and I did so every day.  The end result was a week of 60.63 total miles (including the long run with a friend back in California after our return).  I haven't put that many miles on my feet in a single week in years.  It felt great.

Unfortunately, I really am a heat and humidity wuss, so I ran only about 25% of the mileage.  I didn't hit my 2 runs over 6 miles (many days of 10ish miles, but never 6 miles running straight), and I didn't get in any solid speed work.  I did, however, fit in tons of core.  There are workout stations interspersed throughout the  Butler Trail.  And I put them to use, doing pushups, dips, step up lunges, squats, ab work, and more on most days.  By the fourth day, my core and arms were very sore and wondering what exactly was going on.

Austin is a big food city.  I had an average of one meal focused on meat (not counting fish) every day, which is *way* more than usual for me.

Texas BBQ platter at one of the events we attended.

Amazing pork buns from Odd Duck.

Terry Black's BBQ -- Delicious! (Texas state bird)


Last night, after 1 day back in California full of veggies and fish, we had guests from Georgia who wanted to break out the BBQ for the first time this season.  So, we obliged.  I was overloaded on meat, so I stuck mainly with the veggies, but even so, the first hosted outdoor meal of the season is always a cause for celebration.

California BBQ -- a little more color than the Texas variety
In running news, I can't seem to find a good 10K to replace the Danville 10K, so I'm toying with a half marathon in June.  Given how much I suck at running in the heat, this is a bold move, but it is likely to keep my motivated and keep my mileage up...


Arvay said...


bt said...

@Arvay -- it was a wonderful eating week.